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Glamour Shots Reviews: Instagram is a Good Thing for Professional Photography

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Instagram is a Good Thing for Professional Photography

Language is a proxy for images; we use words to translate our imagery-based thoughts into a simpler form of communication. However, with the extreme popularity of smartphones with cameras and the rise of certain internet sites, Instagram specifically, people now have the ability to communicate directly with images. Instagram also gives people the option to add filters to their pictures, something that professional photographers used to be able to do only with expensive post-production software.

As a result of all this, Instagram is changing the way professional photographers interact with their clients. Some people argue it might even permanently change the whole profession of photography.

Since essentially everyone now has a camera with them at all times, and the ability to upload their pictures, edit them, filter them, and share them with the world… professional photographers are finding that they need to develop new ways to set themselves apart and give their work value.

There are some professional photographers that despise Instagram. They argue that it’s cheapening their craft and flooding the internet with poor quality pictures. They say its “dumbing down” photography in general. Then, there is the other side of the coin, the professionals who love Instagram. These photographers love the fact that their photos now have a potentially huge audience.

It’s very similar to the pro-copyright/anti-copyright debate that’s happening among authors right now. Some authors hate the fact that their books are being downloaded for free off the internet, while others like the sci-fi writer Cory Doctorow, are happy that their books are reaching such a wide audience now. Cory actually offers all of his books for free on his website, fans hear about new books this way, and many of his books end up as bestsellers because they were initially free.

This might be the beginning of a sea change in the professional photography industry. Just like in any market, when it’s flooded with people offering some goods or services (photographers in this case), the price for that service goes down. You can see some evidence of this already, as Glamour Shots prices are already lower than the industry average. Quality will also go up and innovations will happen, since, with so many competitors flooding the market, everyone will be trying to outdo each other. Instagram may be the beginning of some amazing new developments in the professional photography industry.



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